Mackenzie Opens Red Hill District Office for In-Person Service

Jun. 04, 2021 /

RED HILL – Today, Rep. Milou Mackenzie (R-Lehigh/Montgomery/Northampton) announced that her Red Hill district office (56 W. Fourth St., Red Hill Borough Building, Red Hill, PA 18076) will be open for in-person services beginning on Wednesday, June 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Should residents need to meet outside of these hours, they can call 215-679-3152 to make an appointment.

Mackenzie To Serve on Four House Committees

Jan. 11, 2021 /

HARRISBURG – Rep. Milou Mackenzie (R-Lehigh/Montgomery/Northampton) announced today that she will serve on the House Children and Youth, Education, Human Services and Urban Affairs committees for the 2021-22 Legislative Session.