Your Voice in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives

State Rep. Milou Mackenzie represents the 131st Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, serving parts of Lehigh, Montgomery and Northampton Counties.

Contact Milou

How Can My Office Serve You?

My staff will be happy to help you with state-related issues. A few services offered include car registrations; driver’s license renewal and special tags; property tax/rent rebate applications; birth certificate and death record applications; and much more.

Office Services

New Online Filing System for PA State Tax Returns Now Available

The Department of Revenue is informing taxpayers that a new, state-only filing option is now available. myPATH is a free, user-friendly system that allows taxpayers to seamlessly file the Pennsylvania Income Tax Return (PA-40) and make income tax payments, as well as offering other services.

Go to myPath

Meet Milou

PA State Rep. Milou Mackenzie is a lifelong resident of the Lehigh Valley and an eighth-generation Pennsylvanian. During her tenure in office, Mackenzie has worked hard to ensure no child lost their health care coverage through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) due to the pandemic. Her proposal addressing CHIP payments is included in this year’s state budget. The budget includes nearly $23 million to satisfy CHIP arrearages that had accrued during the pandemic when the administration informed insurers not to terminate CHIP enrollees for not paying their premiums. Additionally, working to ensure military children aren’t left behind or disadvantaged when moving into school districts in Pennsylvania, the state House has unanimously approved Mackenzie’s legislation, House Bill 1813, that would allow those children access to registration and enrollment at the same time it is open to the general population. In addition to her concerns about education and holding the line on wasteful spending, Mackenzie also focuses on how she can help her fellow small business owners and bring support to our veterans. These two groups remain very important to her.

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